Monday 2 April 2012

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Winter is Coming

Game of Thrones, probably tv's best series, kicked off to an epic Season 2 start. SPOILERS AHEAD

The first episode runs through all the main characters and reminds us of the going-ons of season 1 and gives us a bit of an update as to how things have been going.

The series cuts off first to Joffre, and no surprise, he's as much of a psychopath in the making as we expected. He makes men fight to their (bloody) deaths for his birthday, drowns a man in wine, kills babies (literally), and has a sneer to make even Malfoy jealous.

(On a side note: Anybody recognize this little boy from Batman Begins? Turns out Joffre is the little boy from Batman, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be impressed by Batman's toy anymore!)

Cut to scenes of Tyrion showing us he does understand the "Game of Thrones" perhaps more than anybody else on the series and also a quick update with Bran back at Winterfell ruling in his brother's absence.

Danys seems to be having a tough time out in the desert, trudging through the desert with her ragtag tribe starving, with parched lips. She still has the dragons but she can't figure what to feed them. Emilia Clark has really done a fantastic character in portraying her character, she's definitely one of the most 3D characters on the show - I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that I'm really rooting for her.

A new character comes into the mix, Stannis Baratheon, the war-crazed brother to the old dead king, who is being manipulated by the sorceress Melisandre. We get a quick update on Jon Snow who is now beyond the wall and meet Craster, a man living there, who marries his daughters and has more daughters with them. Rob Stark sends a message to the Lanisters for surrendering the Stark hostages, giving back the body of his father and others, and renouncing their claim to the North.

All in all, Season 2 promises to be just as amazing as Season 1 and it's going to be one hell of a TV show. The series is great in that it doesn't present this story book fantasy world or plot. It's gritty, visceral, sensual and right down to it. There isn't a good guy, there isn't a bad guy. Sh*t happens, people die. It's great HBO picked up the series, because Game of Thrones just wouldn't be the same toned down to a PG-rating, the blood and sex makes it what it is.